Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 31

Status update! Tell me where  you are at on your product website? Can you be finished by tomorrow at the end of the hour? Do you need more time? How much more time? Be honest and explain yourself.

I am almost finished with my product website! I think I will be done at the end of hour tomorrow but it might be helpful to have maybe half of block  day to work! I have my pages done but it would be nice to have more time to add things to my pages and organize the products! 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Monday, March 24

Welcome back! How was your Spring Break? Tell me all about it. You've been out of school for 10 days so I know you will have plenty to share. Make it good!

Hello! Over spring break, I went to NYC with my dad. We stayed with my aunt, saw a Broadway show, and went shopping. Then, we went to the University of Colorado and the University of Illinois for college visits and I loved them both! Once I got back I hung out with my friends but then I got sick. On Monday, I visited KU and didn't go to school. I had a good spring break and am excited for summer!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday, March 11

Do you like the layout of this project? Have you benefited from your brainstorming sheet? Was it more helpful or annoying when starting to map out your website? Explain why.

So far, I like the layout of this project. I like how we are going to learn how to make a drop down menu and think that will help with the layout of my site. The brainstorming sheet was definitely helpful and useful for when I started mapping out my website. I was able to easily see what I wanted to put on my website and where I wanted to place it. It helped me stay organized and remember to include everything. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday, March 10

After reading below to see where you should be on your product website - are you caught up? What helps you stay caught up in class? Do you like having small checkpoints? Are you behind? If so, what are you going to do to get caught up?

I am caught up on where I should be as of right now! I do like having small checkpoints because it can help you stay caught up and keep track of where you should be. To stay caught up I'm going to keep working hard and stay working on the small checkpoints.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday, March 5

What idea do you have that is going to make you product website different, unique or unlike anyone else? If you're answer is you don't know - it's time to start THINKING. Explain your idea.

My website is going to be different than any other website because it is going to be very well organized and have different pages for each type of dress. The categories will be clear and the images will distinguish which category each dress will be in. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday, March 4

What product have you decided to feature/sell on your product website? Explain why you've chosen this product and remember, the sky is the limit on this project!

I have chosen to sell many types of dresses along with jewelry and accessories. I chose this because I love online shopping, especially for dresses and I think that a website like this can be fun and exciting to shop on! I'm excited to design this website because online shopping and dress buying is something I like to do.