Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday, January 28

Tell me about your All About Me site. What are going to be your 4 main content pages? Why did you choose those topics? What big plans do you have for your site that is going to make it different and creative?

My four main content pages are my interests, my family, my friends, and fun facts about me. I chose these because they are central to my life and are the main parts of my life. I plan to make my website organized, interesting, and colorful to make it stand out from others. I want viewers to learn something about me from my website. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, January 27

What are your thoughts on HTML code? Did you enjoy the coding activity? Do you feel like you learned anything? Explain yourself.

I think HTML coding is pretty interesting but also confusing! I feel like I have learned a lot about how coding works and what it is, but I don't necessarily enjoy it that much. I never knew what went into making a website and coding things so I think it is useful to learn and be knowledgeable about. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday, January 21

Tell me about your three day weekend. How was it? What did you do? Elaborate!

My three day weekend was pretty relaxing, and I did not do very much. On Friday after school, I went to lunch with my best friends and then hung out together. I cheered at Southwest for the boy's basketball game on Friday night and then I went home and slept. Saturday, I worked all morning and afternoon, and then hung out with my friends! Sunday was pretty uneventful and I watched a lot of Netflix. Monday, I cheered at the girl's basketball game and did my homework. Overall, it was a nice weekend and I enjoyed it!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday, January 15

Tell me if you agree with this statement and then explain why or why not. "Images on the internet are 'free game' - if someone posted it, I should be able to use it."

I agree with the idea that if somebody posts something, then it should be fair game for any internet user to reuse it. I think this because I believe that anything you post on the internet can be used by others, and is fair for anyone to see. I do think that credit should be given and sources should be cited for certain images and information. I don't think it's fair to take someone else's work without given credit where it is due, but I do think that any image should be 'free game' after it has been posted online.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday, January 13

What do you know about plagiarism? What do you know about plagiarism on the internet? How do web design, the internet and plagiarism all effect each other? Explain.

I know that plagiarism is against the rules and is the copying of someone else's work. We are taught that plagiarizing someone else's work is bad, and we learn ways to avoid plagiarism. By using the Internet, it is easy to take credit for another person's research, words, or work. It is not hard to just copy and paste something from another source to your paper, and use it as your own. With web design and the internet, users must be careful and cautious to cite their sources and give credit to those sources. By using the internet, there are many opportunities to plagiarize, and with web design it is easy to steal someone's ideas. To keep things fair and right, it is important that internet users do not plagiarize!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday, January 10

What do you already know about web design? How it works? Programs you can use? Tools that exist? Anything.

I know that websites are designed using different programs that anyone on the Internet can have access to. All I know about coding is that each different design and website has a different and unique code. I know that when website designs are changed that many times users have to get an update for their phone or computer. Other than that, I am not very familiar with web design.